“Come on. Let’s go,” my brother said, leading me by the arm, out of the cavernous train station. “We don’t have time,” I argued, as he continued to lead me towards downtown Portland. “Yeah, we do,” he retorted. “And, besides, it’s close to the station.” My brother had been telling me about this doughnut shop in Portland, Oregon, for a long time. He had repeatedly promised to take me there on my next visit. My visit came and nearly went without a stop at this shop. I was supposed to catch a train to Seattle that afternoon. After I checked my luggage at the station, I had about forty five minutes before my train left. Enough time, my brother decided, to get a doughnut. I was not so sure. I was scared that I was going to miss my train. My attempts to suggest that it was not a good idea to leave the station proved futile and we were on our way to the doughnut shop. In addition to traditional doughnut flavors, this...
A truthful and often amusing take on travel . . . and life, in general.