The Cathedral’s sanctuary is completely silent. Sunlight streaks through windows high above, illuminating the otherwise dim chamber. A few small groups of visitors quietly wander along the aisles, looking at the small shrines that lined the walls. I slowly make my way along the path, my eyes scanning the scene, attempting to take everything in, to remember it. Behind me, I hear a squeaking sound followed by fast-paced footsteps. Another squeaking sound is followed by footsteps that sound as if they have grown closer. I turn around to see a child, 12 maybe 13 years old, walking hurriedly towards me, his tennis shoes squeaking with every few steps against the tile floor. No one tells him to slow down or to watch out for the other people. They just step out of his way. I quickly step to the side, eager to avoid a collision. Then, just as he passes me, he lifts one of his feet and, from the sole of his shoe comes two small wheels....
A truthful and often amusing take on travel . . . and life, in general.