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Be A Traveler, Not A Tourist

When one hears the word “tourist,” a certain image likely comes to mind. For me, it is the camera-toting out-of-towner with a well-worn guidebook and map. Eager to see every well-known attraction in a particular city, their trip is scheduled to the last detail. They are there to see their destination’s highlights . . . and only the highlights. They will return to their homes at the end of the trip with more than a few stories and, probably, some gift shop-purchased souvenirs. But, something will remain missing.
The itinerary of a traveler, by contrast, is often less structured. While they, too, may consult guidebooks and maps, their trip is decidedly less predetermined. Though there may be attractions to see, travelers do not mind stepping off of the beaten path. Seeing not just the highlights, but what else there is to see. Travelers are there for the experience.

Tourists often operate on such a rigid schedule that there seems to be little time to truly experience a destination. They are so busy trying to fill their schedules that, to me, some of the enjoyment is lost. Experience is at the center of a traveler’s itinerary. Seeing new places. Trying new things. Broadening one’s perspective.
There is nothing wrong with being a tourist. In fact, some of my favorite trips would fall into that category. I have more than a few pictures of myself at one tourist attraction or another. Plus, if I looked through my mementos, I likely would find that I still own a few souvenir stand purchases. If the truth is told, being a tourist has provided some amusing stories over the years.
Still, I find myself gravitating more and more towards a traveler’s style of vacationing. For me, traveling has become more about the experience than the destination. Yes, traveling has provided some stories. But, it has provided still more memories, those moments that really cannot be described, just briefly recalled on occasion.
In the end, it comes down to personal preference. What type of trip do I want? How do I want to remember the trip? Do I want to have some small tchotchke that I purchased? Or would I rather have great memories? Do I want to be a tourist or a traveler?


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